Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sneaky's Garden

I have been bad at posting lately. A lot on my mind and work picked up a bit. Anyways, this is a project I completed when a friend was visiting. We got a lot planted but still had time to chat and catch up.

As a thank-you to my friend who helped plant it, the West Side Garden has a new name: Sneaky's Garden (named after her cat). Perhaps I can find a fake cat that looks like Sneaky to occupy it.

The garden should fill in nicely in the spring. We put in coneflower, rudabeckia, and shasta daisies. All of which were started from seed this spring. I also found a spot for the lavander plant, my mom picked up in Oregon. I divided Achillea ptarmica "The Pearl" and put half by the house, where it can flop if it so desires.

We also used a lot of the mulch Thorny Guy made with the chipper. The chipper has really come in handy and already earned its keep in mulch.


Chris said...

You'll have to put some catmint in there too.

Anonymous said...

Perfect name for a garden. Looks like perfect cat stalking grounds. Plants to gnaw, I mean hide behind.

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