Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hostas Everywhere!

This weekend my mom and I planted about 50 hostas (A laundry basket and a box full). A friend of hers from church had tons of hostas and they needed to be split! I am not sure of the type, but they seem to be ones that we do not have. We put them in the border on the east side of the house, the two circle gardens under the river birches, and on the slope near the second barn. Hopefully they will not just be a tasty treat for the deer.

She also brought some ferns which really smelled funny. Maybe they are hay scented ferns. They are still a little wilted from the trauma, but should recover. It would help if it would rain, everything is very dry. We also received raspberries, which we planted in the upper field. YUM! What a good haul!

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